Капиталистическая и потребительская этики — две стороны одной медали, две дополняющие друг друга заповеди. Первая заповедь богача: «Инвестируй». Первая заповедь для всех остальных: «Покупай!»
Юваль Ной Харари
Project review and preparation
I conduct an initial examination of the economic, legal and infrastructure conditions for implementing your project
I develop proposals for project implementation conditions in consideration of the best interests of the city and the investor
I develop an investment project road map
I keep you up to date on:available state support measurestax breaks in the regionfinancing options
I provide for collaboration with regional and federal development, educational and academic, and financial institutions
Selection of an investment site
I tell you about Moscow’s infrastructure and industrial potential
I help select the optimum site for doing business in the capital
I organise visits to selected sites for a more detailed review
I take part in preparing tender procedures if necessary